Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Already on Facebook, but...

I know that I already mentioned this on Facebook, but it is so very blog-worthy. Enjoy.

The other day my dear husband and I were participating in some PG couch snuggling and he said something he always says to me, but this time it just didn't sound quite right. He always says: "I want to hold your hand". Well OK, not ALWAYS. Like when he's pooping, not then. But often amidst a PG couch snuggle, a walk through the mall, a drive in the car, etc., he will make this request. Remember how it just didn't sound quite right though? I was pretty sure that I heard "I want to hold your ham". Things went like this:

Cute Couch Snuggler #1: "Did you just say 'I want to hold your HAM'?"
Cute Couch Snuggler #2: "Yes."
CCS #1: "Haha, why?!"
CCS #2: "I always say that."
CCS #1: "Always? Like when?"
CCS #2: "Always! Seriously, you didn't know that I say that?"
CCS #1 (feeling rather daft): "No..."
CCS #2: "I have been saying that for the past year. I thought it was our cute little inside joke".

The end. Pretty much.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Job

I have just started a new job working at Posh Pooch - Hotel and Daycare. Basically, I play with dogs. Oh, and clean up lots of pee and poo... It's a great "something to do" and a nice way to make some extra cash. Really? Taking 4 months off will eat up all of our savings? Nah. Thanks hindsight.

This really is the perfect job for me right now (sorry Linda, still don't think the Wedding Planner route is in my future). It is pretty tough to beat showing up to a job with up to 50 wagging tails of adorable little creatures that go crazy for even a fraction of a beat of my heart. Great for the ego too.

Having decided that it's time to sort of start acting like a grown up again this job is supplying the scheduling/routine/committing to something part of that. But for some reason it has also started a not sleeping the night before a 6 or 7 am shift. Hmm. ...Happy blogging? As much as I love the sponge this blog has created for my thoughts and feelings, I also like the sponge that my mattress creates for my tired body. I miss sleeping.

I will leave you with a stolen picture (thanks Google...) of my favorite dog ever right now. A Golden Doodle. We had a 7-month old GD in over the weekend and be still my beating heart. He was as soft and cuddly as a teddy bear. So sweet.
Nathan likes Boxers, but they are so freaking inbred that most of them are at least half retarded. Is it politically incorrect to call a dog retarded??

We might just have to compromise:

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Gift

As grumpy and guilty as I feel about this wedding anniversary I do have to share the great gift that Nathan gave me. (YES, I am giving him a gift as well... I am just working on it...)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Ok, so you know how you have to type the word you see in the screen before you can comment on a blog, or buy tickets online, or post things on facebook, etc etc?

Well I have always wondered if they were real words.

I left a comment on Amy's blog tonight and my word was "schrope".

After typing it into Google I learned that many people have Schrope as a last name. How unfortunate since the only working definition I could find was from urban dictionary:

Urban Dictionary: schrope

schrope - 1 definition - to be sexually penetrated in both ears simultaneously.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Dodging Bullets With Religion

Today Nathan and I had to make a quick stop at our local grocery store on the way home from work. Just after entering the store a young man wearing a MasterCard lanyard and cuddling a clipboard approached us and began to speak very quickly. He was Asian, and sounded very Asian. And spoke so, so fast. But all in all we decided that he wanted us to sign up for a credit card and earn 25 000 extra - Save On? Air miles? MasterCard? points. Here is the conversation:

MC lanyard guy: [very fast something, mumble] free to sign up, [fast and faster] 25 000 points, [probably something sly in another language just to mock us and entertain himself at work] you can use it -

Nathan (interrupting): So is this a credit card?

MC lanyard guy: Yes.

Nathan: Oh, well I'm afraid we are not interested then. Part of our religious beliefs are against the use of credit cards, so we do not use them.

MC lanyard guy: I see, well you can simply destroy the card and take the points.

Nathan: No, no - I just do not wish to have a credit card.

MC lanyard guy: No one would have to know, you could just use the points.

Nathan: I would know.

I must add that this was not an easy conversation to straight face my way through. But that seemed to be enough for MC lanyard guy and Nath and I continued on with our shopping. HOWEVER... MC lanyard guy proceeded to find us at the checkout. Conversation: (I am paying for groceries, Nath is standing right beside me)

MC lanyard guy: So I am just curious, what faith do you practice?

Nathan (such a quick thinker...): Uhh, oh we are Jehovah's Witnesses.

MC lanyard guy: Ohhh, are those the guys who go door-to-door?

Nathan: Yeah, some of us do.

MC lanyard guy: Wow, I totally didn't know that you guys don't believe in using credit cards.

Nathan: Yeah, not many people do.

MC lanyard guy: Interesting.

Conversation comes to an end.
I pay for groceries with my Visa, sign, and we leave.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Making Friends

Tonight, dinner at the parents, Jake had a friend over.

Me: "So Bradley, how did you and Jake meet?"

Bradley: "He punched me in the face during a hockey game."

Enough said, really.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Young Man

The other day I stopped by Nathan's class to pick up a set of keys. I popped my head in the door, Nath introduced me to the class, I said hello, eye-flirted with my sexy working man, took the keys and was on my way.

Nathan tells me that night at home that when I left, a more "charismatic" one of his grade 6 students asked him if I was REALLY his wife. "Yes she is REALLY my wife." The student proceeded to stand up out of his chair, straighten his posture and reply, "Young man, you have excellent taste".

Grade sixers make me feel good.